1976 | HP | |
Men's Road Race | 50th | -5.15 |
0.0000015 |
1972 | HP | |
Women's 500 metres | 28th | 0.0256 |
Women's 1000 metres | 20th | 1 |
1.0256 |
1952 | 1956 | HP | |
Men's 500 metres | sixth | 30th | 640.01 |
Men's 1500 metres | 34th | 0.0016 | |
640.0116 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Marathon | 21st | 0.96 |
0.96 |
He competed for (Slavia) Praha and died in Praha (in 1995, in the Czech Republic), so I will call him Czech rather than Slovakian, althugh he was born in Slovakia.
1960 | 1964 | HP | |
Men's Team | (gold) | sixth | 1120 |
1120 |
1968 | 1972 | 1976 | 1980 | HP | |
Men's Road Race | 58th | 22nd | 28th | 0.6384000384 | |
Men's 100 km Team Time Trial | 17th | sixth | 17th | 486 | |
486.6384000384 |
1956 | HP | |
Men's Individual combined | 24th | 0.16 |
Men's Floor Exercise | 23rd | 0.064 |
Men's Horse Vault | 11th | 16 |
Men's Parallel Bars | 21st | 0.16 |
Men's Horizontal Bar | 44th | - |
Men's Rings | 23rd | 0.064 |
Men's Pommeled Horse | 22nd | 0.1 |
16.548 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's Rapid-Fire Pistol | 47th | 0.000006 |
Men's Small-Bore Rifle | 20th | 1.5 |
Men's Free Rifle, prone | 12th | 20 |
Men's Free Rifle, Team | dnf | 0.64 |
Men's Running Target, single shot | 24th | 0.16 |
Men's Running Target, single shot, Team | sixth | 160 |
Men's Running Target, double shot | 25th | 0.1 |
Men's Running Target, double shot, Team | dnf | 100 |
282.400006 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Team | fourth | 800 |
800 |
B. 1910-01-21, Budapest, Hungary; D. 1976-01-05
Shooting (2 gold)
1948 | 1952 | 1956 | HP | |
Rapid-fire Pistol | gold | gold | 8th | 19584 |
19584 |
Between 1929 and 1938 he shot right-handed, but then he lost his right hand in a hand-grenade explosion and he taught himself to shoot left-handed. He was a member of the Hungarian national team that won the world title at Lucerne in 1939 and after the war he won his two Olympic titles.
1964 | HP | |
Women's 100 metres Freestyle | R2:13th | 25.6 |
WoWomen's 4x100 metres Freestyle Relay | fourth | 400 |
425.6 |
1980 | HP | |
Men's Épée, Team | QF | 82 |
82 |
1972 | HP | |
Men's Team | 8th | 128 |
128 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Shot Put | QU:ac | 3.557 |
3.557 |
1968 | HP | |
Men's 100 metres Butterfly | SF:13th | 25.6 |
Men's 200 metres Butterfly | R1:13th | 25.6 |
51.2 |
1976 | 1980 | 1984 | HP | |
Men's Flyweight (-52 kg) | gold | bronze | 16800 | |
16800 |
1960 | 1964 | HP | |
Men's Team | R1:3rd | R1:3rd | 91 |
91 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Team | 8th | 128 |
128 |
2010 | 2014 | 2018 | 2022 | HP | |
Women's 500 m | silver | 4000 | |||
Women's 1000 m | 35th | bronze | gold | 8960.001 | |
Women's 1500 m | 23rd | silver | silver | 8000.256 | |
Women's 3000 m | fifth | sixth | 1640 | ||
Women's Team Pursuit | gold | silver | 2600 | ||
24900.257 |
2014 | 2018 | 2022 | HP | |
Women's 1500 m | 32nd | eighth | 256.004 | |
Women's 5000 m | 12th | 40 | ||
Women's Mass Start | gold | 27th | 6400.04 | |
Women's Team Pursuit | fourth | gold | silver | 3750 |
10446.044 |
1980 | 1984 | HP | |
Men's Singles | 23rd | 20th | 1.884 |
Doubles | 13th | 12th | 82 |
83.884 |
1984 | HP | |
Two Person Dinghy (470) | 11th | 80 |
80 |
1964 | HP | |
Women's 100 metres Butterfly | 7th | 500 |
Women's 4x100 metres Medley Relay | fourth | 400 |
900 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's 15 kilometres | 42nd | -4.40 |
Men's 30 kilometres | 47th | -5.40 |
Men's 50 kilometres | 35th | -2.10 |
Men's 4x10 kilometres Relay | 10th | 25 |
25.001044 |
1972 | HP | |
Women's 5 kilometres | 34th | -2.16 |
Women's 10 kilometres | 25th | 0.1 |
Women's 3x5 km Relay | 9th | 40 |
40.1016 |
1964 | HP | |
Women's 500 metres | 24th | 0.16 |
Women's 1000 metres | 18th | 2.56 |
Women's 1500 metres | 18th | 2.56 |
Women's 3000 metres | 16th | 6.4 |
11.68 |
1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Women's 100 m Butterfly | 11th | 10th | 164 |
Women's 200 m Butterfly | 12th | sixth | 680 |
Women's 4x100 m Medley Relay | 12th | 10 | |
854 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's Team Pursuit | R1:11th | 48 |
48 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's Road Race | 45th | -4.15 |
0.000015 |
1964 | HP | |
Women's Pentathlon | 18th | 3.84 |
3.84 |
1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Men's Extra-Lightweight (-60 kg) | R1 | R2 | 1.486 |
1.486 |
1976 | 1980 | 1984 | HP | |
Men's Light-Flyweight (-48 kg) | 10th | 2550 | ||
Men's Flyweight (-52 kg) | fourth | |||
2550 |
1932 | HP | |
Men's Coxed Fours | Rep.:4th | 480 |
480 |
1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Men's 100 m Breaststroke | 10th | 100 | |
Men's 200 m Breaststroke | 12th | 10th | 140 |
Men's 4 x 100 m Medley Relay | eighth | 64 | |
304 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's Free Pistol | 26th | 0.096 |
0.096 |
1928 | HP | |
Men's 18 km | 37th | 0.0004 |
Men's 50 km | 25th | 0.1 |
0.1004 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's 3000m Steeplechase | R1:9th | 0.102 |
0.102 |
1984 | HP | |
Ice Dancing | 17th | 5 |
5 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's Pole Vault | FI:nh | 60 |
60 |
1972 | HP | |
Men's Team | R1:5th | 8.6 |
8.6 |
1956 | HP | |
Women's Long Jump | QU:13th | 38.4 |
38.4 |
1932 | 1936 | HP | |
Men's 100m Freestyle | fifth | 1000 | |
Men's Water Polo | QU:4th | 7.25 | |
1007.25 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Featherweight (-62 kg) | 21st | 0.96 |
0.96 |
1924 | 1928 | HP | |
Men's 100 m Free-style | fifth | bronze | 3560 |
Men's 400 m Free-style | SF:4th | 328 | |
Men's 1500 m Free-style | fifth | R2:dns | 1064 |
Men's 4 x 200 m Free-style Relay | fourth | silver | 1400 |
6352 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's Shot Put | QU:11th | 96 |
96 |
B. 1947-10-28, Nivala, Finland
Cross-Country Skiing (1 gold, 3 silver, 1 bronze)
1968 | 1972 | 1976 | 1980 | HP | |
Women's 5 kilometres | 22nd | 9th | gold | 8th | 6816.4 |
Women's 10 kilometres | dnf | fifth | silver | bronze | 8316 |
Women's 3 x 5 km Relay | silver | 2475 | |||
Women's 4 x 5 km Relay | silver | fifth | |||
17607.4 |
1988 | 1992 | 1994 | HP | |
Men's Singles | 18th | 17th | 22nd | 8.79 |
Doubles | 14th | 20 | ||
28.79 |
1960 | HP | |
Women's 200 metres Breaststroke | R1:12th | 50 |
Women's 4x100 metres Medley Relay | 7th | 100 |
150 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's Bantamweight (-54 kg) | R16 | 79.13 |
79.13 |
1972 | HP | |
Jumping, Team | 16th | 1.6 |
1.6 |
1960 | 1964 | HP | |
Women's 500 metres | fifth | 12th | 1040 |
Women's 1000 metres | fifth | dnf | 1000.0256 |
Women's 1500 metres | 19th | 10th | 101.6 |
Women's 3000 metres | fourth | sixth | 2240 |
4381.6256 |
1956 | HP | |
Men's Team | R1 | 54 |
54 |
1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Men's Team | 10th | 11th | 82 |
82 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Pole Vault | 8th | 384 |
384 |
1936 | HP | |
Painting - unknown event | AC | 3.724 |
3.724 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Middleweight (-82 kg) | sixth | 960 |
960 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's Half-Middleweight (-78 kg) | fifth | 1230 |
1230 |
1984 | 1988 | 1992 | HP | |
Men's 400 metres | SF:8th | SF:5th | eighth | 394.2 |
Men's 4x100 m Relay | SF:5th | 32.5 | ||
Men's 4x400 m Relay | SF:8th | SF:6th | R1:9th | 55.05 |
481.75 |
1964 | HP | |
Women's 500 metres | 19th | 1.6 |
Women's 1000 metres | 20th | 1 |
Women's 1500 metres | 14th | 16 |
Women's 3000 metres | 12th | 40 |
58.6 |
1960 | HP | |
Women's 500 metres | 19th | 1.6 |
Women's 1000 metres | 16th | 6.4 |
Women's 1500 metres | 12th | 40 |
Women's 3000 metres | 10th | 100 |
148 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Team Pursuit | R1:11th | 48 |
48 |
1936 | HP | |
Two−Person Keelboat (Star) | 11th | 80 |
80 |
1964 | 1968 | HP | |
Men's Team | 7th/8th | 13th | 176.8 |
176.8 |
1928 | HP | |
Men's Coxed Fours | Rep1 | 81 |
81 |
1960 | 1964 | 1968 | HP | |
Men's Team | 8th | 11th | 10th | 210 |
210 |
1928 | HP | |
Men's Springboard | 9th | 160 |
160 |
1936 | HP | |
Painting - unknown event | AC | 3.724 |
3.724 |
1932 | HP | |
Men's Individual | 31st | 0.0096 |
0.0096 |
2016 | 2021 | HP | |
Men's Extra−Lightweight (-60 kg) | bronze | gold | 12720 |
12720 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's Coxed Pairs | Rep:4th | 21.5 |
21.5 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's Featherweight (-57 kg) | R16 | 79.13 |
79.13 |
1968 | HP | |
Women's Team | silver | 2000 |
2000 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's Long Jump | QU:29th | 0.096 |
0.096 |
1976 | HP | |
Women's Team | gold | 3200 |
3200 |
1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Men's Half-Heavyweight (-95 kg) | R1 | R1 | 3.344 |
3.344 |
1948 | HP | |
Women's Singles | 12th | 60 |
60 |
1928 | 1932 | HP | |
Men's 1500 m Freestyle | SF:dnf | 160 | |
Men's Water Polo | fourth | 800 | |
960 |
B. 1976-09-13, Kyoto, Japan
Synchronized Swimming (4 silver, 1 bronze)
1996 | 2000 | 2004 | HP | |
Duet | silver | silver | 10000 | |
Team | bronze | silver | silver | 5808 |
15808 |
Twice together with Tachibana Miya
1968 | HP | |
Women's 500 metres | 25th | 0.1 |
Women's 1000 metres | 25th | 0.1 |
0.2 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Welterweight (-73 kg) | 15th | 15 |
15 |
1988 | HP | |
Men's 200 m Butterfly | 15th | 10 |
Men's 200 m Individual Medley | 22nd | 0.4 |
10.4 |
1932 | HP | |
Painting | ac | 2.186 |
2.186 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Giant Slalom | 44th | 0.000016 |
Men's Slalom | 33rd | 0.00256 |
0.002576 |
1972 | 1976 | HP | |
Jumping, Individual | 42nd | 39th | -3.25 |
Jumping, Team | 16th | 13th | 8 |
8.00025 |
1956 | HP | |
Men's Eights | SF:4th | 164 |
164 |
1932 | 1936 | HP | |
Men's Individual Combined (5 apparatuses) | 23rd | 0.256 | |
Men's Individual Combined (6 apparatuses) | 43rd | ||
Men's Team Combined | fifth | 9th | 290 |
Men's Floor Exercises | 25th | 42nd | 0.026 |
Men's Vault | 31st | - | |
Men's Parallel Bars | 24th | 0.04 | |
Men's Horizontal Bar | 33rd | - | |
Men's Rings | 67th | - | |
Men's Pommeled Horse | 67th | - | |
290.322 |
1928 | HP | |
Men's 18 km | 31st | 0.0064 |
Men's 50 km | 26th | 0.064 |
Men's Nordic Combined | dnf | 0.0015 |
0.0719 |
1932 | HP | |
Sculpture | ac | 5.34 |
5.34 |
B. 1919-09-29, Hamada, Japan; D. 2007-02-02
Gymnastics (1 gold, 3 silver, 3 bronze)
1952 | 1956 | 1960 | HP | |
Individual combined | 15th | fourth | sixth | 2610 |
Team combined | fifth | silver | gold | 3562.5 |
Vault | silver | sixth | - | 1160 |
Horizontal Bar | 17th | bronze | silver | 1641 |
Pommeled Horse | 69th | 7th | - | 100 |
Parallel Bars | 71st | bronze | sixth | 800 |
Rings | sixth | bronze | - | 800 |
Floor Exercise | 11th | 16th | - | 17.6 |
10691.1 |
1968 | 1972 | HP | |
Women's 100 metres Breaststroke | R1:17th | 4 | |
Women's 200 metres Breaststroke | R1:20th | 1 | |
Women's 200 metres Individual Medley | R1:14th | 16 | |
Women's 400 metres Individual Medley | R1:18th | 2.56 | |
Women's 4x100 m Freestyle Relay | R1:10th | 25 | |
48.56 |
1936 | HP | |
Women's 100 metres Freestyle | 29th | 0.016 |
Women's 4x100 metres Freestyle Relay | SF:8th | 64 |
64.016 |
1956 | 1960 | HP | |
Men's 500 metres | 11th | 43rd | 64.0000256 |
Men's 1500 metres | 36th | 0.00064 | |
64.0006656 |
1932 | HP | |
Men's 5000 metres | 12th | 40 |
Men's 10000 metres | 10th | 100 |
140 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Team | QU:2nd | 410 |
410 |
1972 | HP | |
Men's 3000 m Steeplechase | R1:5th | 3.435 |
3.435 |
1964 | 1968 | HP | |
Men's Team | R1:3rd | 12th | 65.5 |
65.5 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Flyweight (-52 kg) | fourth | 2400 |
2400 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Team | QF | 287 |
287 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's Coxed Fours | 1Rep:3rd | 5.1 |
5.1 |
1964 | HP | |
Women's Foil, Individual | R1:6th | -2.34 |
Women's Foil, Team | R1:4th | 25 |
25.0034 |
1988 | 1992 | 1994 | 1998 | HP | |
Men's Two | dnf | 21st | 18th | 17th | 8.00008 |
Men's Four | 18th | 17th | 18th | 15th | 13.11 |
21.11008 |
B. 1930-08-27, Tehran, Iran; D. 1968-01-07
Freestyle Wrestling (1 gold, 2 silver)
1952 | 1956 | 1960 | 1964 | HP | |
Middleweight (-79 kg) | silver | 30000 | |||
Light heavyweight (-87 kg) | gold | silver | |||
Light heavyweight (-97 kg) | fourth | ||||
30000 |
Born in Tehran and raised in poor circumstances. He trained in a makeshift
sports hall until he left Tehran to work as an oilworker. After being drafted
into the army he was introduced to freestyle wrestling, He won his first
Iranian championship in 1950, and became the first Iranian wrestler to win
an international medal when he gained silver in the World Championships at
Helsinki in 1951, followed by silver at the Helsinki Olympics. Later he won
gold in the 1956 Olympics and the 1959 World championships.
Although Tahkti competed unsuccessfully at the 1964 Olympics and 1966 World
championships this was due to his being chosen for adverse political reasons.
Although he had retired from competition the government of the time attempted
to discredit him in the eyes of the people (with whom he was extremely popular,
particularly from an anti-government stance) by sending him to certain defeat.
although he lost in competition his popularity was not diminished.
His mysterious death in 1967 was "officially" listed as suicide but the popular
opinion was one of political assasination by government forces.
1988 | HP | |
Men's 10 km Sprint | 63rd | -8.26 |
Men's 20 kilometres | 61st | -8.64 |
Men's 4 x 7.5 km Relay | 14th | 4 |
4.00000000896 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's Team | 7th/8th | 164 |
164 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's Team | sixth | 320 |
320 |
Written 2000-12-01 - last modified 2024-11-20
This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.