Olympic Competitor nr 7239
There were 22 and 23 competitors in the individual Running Deer competitions, and probably a maximum of 5 shooters per country. 4 teams (of 5) competed in the team event, so there are at least 2/3 unknown competitors in the individual events, most probably Belgians (there was no Belgian team in the team competition). Klaas Jan Pen is known to have competed in the Olympic shooting, but it is not known in which event. I have chosen to put his name in this slot.
1972 | 1976 | 1980 | HP | |
Small-Bore Rifle, Three Positions | 20th | 1 | ||
Small-Bore Rifle, Prone | 51st | 15th | 10.00000064 | |
11.00000064 |
1972 | HP | |
Men's Team | SF:4th | 164 |
164 |
1980 | HP | |
Men's Team | R1:3rd | 45.5 |
45.5 |
1928 | HP | |
Men's 5000 m | R1:7th | 1.08 |
Men's 10000 m | 13th | 25.6 |
26.68 |
1980 | HP | |
Men's 20 km Walk | 17th | 4 |
Men's 50 km Walk | 14th | 16 |
20 |
1976 | 1980 | 1984 | HP | |
Men's Épée, Individual | R1:5th | R2:6th | -4.26 | |
0.00002645 |
1968 | HP | |
Men's Team | QF | 287 |
287 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's Rapid-Fire Pistol | 42nd | -4.60 |
Men's Free Pistol | 39th | -3.24 |
0.0003 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's Football | R1 | 0.85 |
0.85 |
1984 | HP | |
Women's Sporting Pistol | 30th | 0.015 |
0.015 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's Team | 12th | 20 |
20 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's Cross-Country | 14th | 20 |
Men's Cross-Country, team | dnf | 160 |
180 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Team | 7th | 200 |
200 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's Foil, Individual | R1:5th | -3.15 |
Men's Sabre, Individual | QF:8th | 0.011 |
0.01115 |
1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Men's Flyweight (-52 kg) | 14th | 30 | |
Men's Bantamweight (-56 kg) | 17th | ||
30 |
1968 | 1972 | HP | |
Men's Marathon | 13th | 45th | 38.400015 |
38.400015 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Road Race, Individual | ac | 0.000015 |
Men's Road Race, Team | ac | 20.25 |
20.250015 |
1948 | HP | |
Men's Rapid−fire Pistol | 47th | 0.000006 |
0.000006 |
1972 | 1976 | HP | |
Men's Team | sixth | fifth | 820 |
820 |
1980 | HP | |
Men's Individual Pursuit | 8th | 384 |
Men's Team Pursuit | bronze | 1920 |
2304 |
Olympic Competitor nr 5813
1948 | HP | |
Women's 200 metres Breaststroke | R1:22nd | 0.6 |
0.6 |
1964 | 1968 | 1972 | HP | |
Men's Light−Heavyweight (-82.5 kg) | 11th | 96.096 | ||
Men's Heavyweight (-110 kg) | dnf | |||
96.096 |
1980 | HP | |
Two Person Multihull (Tornado) | 10th | 125 |
125 |
1980 | HP | |
Men's Road Race | dnf | -18.15 |
Men's 100 km Team Time Trial | sixth | 480 |
480 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's Featherweight (-62 kg) | R2 | 3.84 |
3.84 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's Team | sixth | 320 |
320 |
1964 | 1968 | HP | |
Men's 100 metres | sixth | sixth | 1280 |
Men's 4x100 metres Relay | gold | 1600 | |
2880 |
1984 | HP | |
Women's Team | (fourth) | 800 |
800 |
1920 | HP | |
FR Men's Heavyweight (+80 kg) | silver | 6000 |
GR Men's Light-Heavyweight (-82.5 kg) | R2 | 56.14 |
6056.14 |
B. 1980-09-24, Hitchin, Great Britain
Cycking - Track (2 gold, 1 silver)
2004 | 2008 | 2012 | HP | |
Sprint | 9th | gold | silver | 13640 |
Keirin | gold | 6400 | ||
Team Sprint | 9th | 192 | ||
20232 |
1932 | HP | |
Painting | ac | 2.186 |
2.186 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Team | 12th | 20 |
20 |
B. 1947-07-22, București, Romania
Athletics (1 gold, 1 silver)
1964 | 1968 | HP | |
Javelin Throw | gold | silver | 15600 |
15600 |
1928 | HP | |
Men's Épée, Individual | QF:8th | 0.34 |
Men's Épée, Team | QF:3rd | 22.75 |
23.09 |
1972 | 1976 | HP | |
Men's Downhill | 40th | 48th | 0.00010256 |
Men's Giant Slalom | 32nd | 31st | 0.0104 |
Men's Slalom | 27th | 28th | 0.0656 |
0.07610256 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Featherweight (-62 kg) | 10th | 150 |
150 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's Heavyweight (+82.5 kg) | dnf | 2.4 |
2.4 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's Doubles, 1000 m | Rep:4th | 3.9 |
3.9 |
1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Men's Team | fifth | eighth | 628 |
628 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Foil, Individual | R1:6th | 0.0000024 |
Men's Foil, Team | R2:3rd | 22.75 |
22.7500024 |
1988 | HP | |
Men's 100 m Breaststroke | 36th | -3.64 |
Men's 200 m Breaststroke | 16th | 6.4 |
6.40064 |
1980 | HP | |
Two Person Dinghy (470) | gold | 8000 |
8000 |
1964 | 1968 | HP | |
Men's Canadian Doubles 1000 metres | 8th | FI:dnf | 520 |
520 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's Team | 7th | 200 |
200 |
1980 | HP | |
Women's 200 metres | SF:8th | 8.2 |
Women's 4 x 100 m Relay | fourth | 400 |
408.2 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Free Pistol | 40th | -3.15 |
0.00015 |
1920 | HP | |
Men's Team | fourth | 800 |
800 |
Olympic Competitor nr 4376
1952 | HP | |
Rapid−Fire Pistol | 9th | 240 |
240 |
1956 | 1960 | HP | |
Men's Individual | 37th | 39th | 0.00084 |
0.00084 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Team | R1:4th | 38.96 |
38.96 |
1956 | HP | |
Men's Team | 8th | 128 |
128 |
1956 | HP | |
Men's Team | sixth | 320 |
320 |
1964 | 1968 | HP | |
Men's Pole Vault | 11th | fifth | 1596 |
1596 |
He missed out on a medal in 1968 because his pole passed under the bar, a rule which was rescinded the following year.
1956 | HP | |
Two Person Keelboat (Star) | 10th | 125 |
125 |
Olympic Competitor nr 3138
1964 | 1968 | HP | |
Men's 400 metres | R1:35th | R1:6th | 0.001021 |
Men's 800 metres | 8th | R1:38th | 256.000256 |
256.001277 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's 100 metres | SF:6th | 52 |
Men's 200 metres | R1:3rd | 0.364 |
Men's 4x100 metres Relay | R1:4th | 17 |
69.364 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Team | silver | 2000 |
2000 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's Coxed Fours | 1Rep:2nd | 20.4 |
20.4 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's Eights | silver | 2000 |
2000 |
1972 | 1976 | 1980 | 1984 | HP | |
Skeet | 7th | 26th | 29th | 600.12 | |
600.12 |
1908 | HP | |
Men's York Round | fourth | 1800 |
1800 |
Olympic Competitor nr 4010
1936 | HP | |
Men's Team | Rep1 | 0.54 |
0.54 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's 800 metres | R1:7th | -4.20 |
Men's 4x400 metres Relay | R1:17th | 1 |
1.00002 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's 50 km | 26th | 0.064 |
0.064 |
An Estonian, he joined the German troops during World War II and stayed in Germany.
1968 | 1972 | HP | |
Women's 200 metres Individual Medley | R1:12th | R1:12th | 80 |
Women's 400 metres Individual Medley | R1:12th | R1:11th | 104 |
184 |
1948 | HP | |
Music - Instrumental and Chamber | AC | 37.43 |
37.43 |
1904 | HP | |
Men's Team | gold | 2400 |
2400 |
Olympic Competitor nr 1849
1968 | 1972 | HP | |
Women's 400 metres | fifth | SF:5th | 1130 |
Women's 4x400 m Relay | R1:5th | 32.5 | |
1162.5 |
1906 | HP | |
Men's Team | bronze | 960 |
960 |
Olympic Competitor nr 2454
1920 | HP | |
Men's Middleweight (-69 kg) | silver | 6000 |
6000 |
1932 | 1936 | HP | |
Men's 10000 metres | dnf | 16th | 12.8 |
12.8 |
1928 | 1932 | HP | |
Men's Javelin Throw | sixth | bronze | 4800 |
4800 |
1956 | 1960 | HP | |
Men's Featherweight (-62 kg) | bronze | 15th | 3855 |
3855 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's Middleweight (-79 kg) | BrFi | 2400 |
2400 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's Team | QR | 0.595 |
0.595 |
1972 | 1976 | HP | |
Men's Team | bronze | silver | 3280 |
3280 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's Canadian Singles 1000 metres | bronze | 3840 |
3840 |
1968 | 1972 | HP | |
Men's Giant Slalom | 9th | 160 | |
Men's Slalom | 8th | dnf | 256 |
416 |
1948 | HP | |
Men's Downhill | 34th | 0.0012 |
Men's Combined | 24th | 0.12 |
Men's Slalom | 34th | 0.0016 |
0.1228 |
Written 2002-08-22 - last modified 2024-12-20
This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.