Herman's Top Paris 1924 Olympians - Paris, Amsterdam and Berlin

20 Athletes that competed in Paris 1924, Amsterdam 1928 and Berlin 1936

  1. (17072) Voldemar Väli (EST/WRG/1924-28,36)
  2. (16191) Leon Štukelj (yug-SLO/GYM/1924-28,36)
  3. (13680) Edvard Westerlund (FIN/WRG/1924-28,36)
  4. (11658) Hjalmar Nyström (FIN/WRG-WRF/1924-28,36)
  5. (9609) Joseph De Combe (BEL/SWI-WAT/1924-28,36)
  6. (9161) Ernie Harper (GBR/ATH/1924-28,36)
  7. (5679) Walter Rangeley (GBR/ATH/1924-28,36)
  8. (3938) Albert Aeschmann (SUI/WEI/1924-28,36)
  9. (3882) Jože Primožič (yug-SLO/GYM/1924-28,36)
  10. (2091) Robert Wyss (SUI/SWI-WAT/1924-28,36)
  11. (1375) Paulo Leal (POR/FEN/1924-28,36)
  12. (985.5) Luis Lucchetti (ARG/FEN/1924-28,36)
  13. (984.0) Christiaan Tonnet (NED/MOP-EQE/1924-28,36)
  14. (716.0) Arthur von Pongracz (AUT/EQD/1924-28,36)
  15. (442.9) Otto Schöniger (tch-CZE/EQD/1924-28,36)
  16. (168.0) Mathias Erang (LUX/GYM/1924-28,36)
  17. (120.0) Ed Gerdes (NED/ART/1924-28,36)
  18. (100.0) Artūrs Motmillers (LAT/ATH/1924-28,36)
  19. (81.10) Paul Kunze (NED/FEN/1924-28,36)
  20. (15.24) Johan Falkenberg (NOR/FEN/1924-28,36)

Written 2017-04-11 - last modified 2018-01-31

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.