Herman's Top Chamonix 1924 Olympians - athletes who competed before

The full list:

  1. (504.0) Walter von Siebenthal (SUI/ICH/1920-24)
  2. (69600) Gillis Grafström (SWE/FSK/1920-32)
  3. (17813) Walter Jakobsson (FIN/FSK/1920-28)
  4. (17813) Ludovika Jakobsson-Eilers (FIN/FSK/1920-28)
  5. (9390) Theresa Weld-Blanchard (USA/FSK/1920-28)
  6. (7590) Ethel Muckelt (GBR/FSK/1920-28)
  7. (4935) Nathaniel Niles (USA/FSK/1920-28)
  8. (4000) Herb Drury (USA/ICH/1920-24)
  9. (4000) Frank Synnott (USA/ICH/1920-24)
  10. (2233) Josef Šroubek (tch-CZE/ICH/1920-28)
  11. (2050) Georges Wagemans (BEL/FSK/1920-24)
  12. (2050) Georgette Herbos (BEL/FSK/1920-24)
  13. (1690) Vilém Loos (tch-CZE/ICH/1920-24)
  14. (1690) Otakar Vindyš (tch-CZE/ICH/1920-24)
  15. (1690) Jan Palouš (tch-CZE/ICH/1920-24)
  16. (1600) Eric Burman (SWE/ICH/1920-24)
  17. (1600) Wilhelm Arwe (SWE/ICH/1920-24)
  18. (1600) Nils Molander (SWE/ICH/1920-24)
  19. (1199) Léon Quaglia (FRA/ICH/1920-28)
  20. (1199) Alfred de Rauch (FRA/ICH/1920-28)
  21. (750.0) Pierre Charpentier (FRA/ICH/1920-24)
  22. (700.0) Charles Sabouret (FRA/FSK/1920-24)
  23. (700.0) Simone Sabouret (FRA/FSK/1920-24)
  24. (504.0) Philippe Van Volckxsom (BEL/ICH/1920-28)
  25. (504.0) Gaston Van Volxem (BEL/ICH/1920-24)
  26. (504.0) Marius Jaccard (SUI/ICH/1920-24)
  27. (504.0) René Savoie (SUI/ICH/1920-24)
  28. (504.0) Bruno Leuzinger (SUI/ICH/1920-24)
  29. (100.7) Déván István (HUN/ATH-NOC-CCS/1912,24)

Written 2017-01-26 - last modified 2017-01-26

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.