Aquatics 1956 - women - Australia

Aquatics 1956

The disciplines at Melbourne :

The Full List

  1. (51200) Dawn Fraser (AUS/SWI/1956-64)
  2. (13000) Lorraine Crapp (AUS/SWI/1956-60)
  3. (4160) Faith Leech (AUS/SWI/1956)
  4. (2304) Sandra Morgan (AUS/SWI/1956-60)
  5. (1500) Beverly Bainbridge (AUS/SWI/1956)
  6. (468.0) Gerganiya Beckitt (AUS/SWI/1956-60)
  7. (96.00) Maureen Giles (AUS/SWI/1956)
  8. (64.00) Elizabeth Fraser (AUS/SWI/1956)
  9. (64.00) Margaret Gibson (AUS/SWI/1956)
  10. (60.00) Barbara Evans (AUS/SWI/1956)
  11. (41.60) Barbara McAulay (AUS/DIV/1956)
  12. (38.40) Patricia Huntingford (AUS/SWI/1956)
  13. (16.40) Roslyn Barton (AUS/DIV/1956)
  14. (6.000) Pam Singleton (AUS/SWI/1956)
  15. (4.000) Pat Howard (AUS/DIV/1956)
  16. (2.560) Adele Price (AUS/DIV/1956)

Written 2020-02-02 - last modified 2020-02-02

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.