Competitors in 1900 and 1906

Athletes that competed in Paris 1900 and Athina 1906 (16)

  1. (20652) Louis Richardet (SUI/SHO/1900,06)
  2. (14794) Konrad Stäheli (SUI/SHO/1900,06)
  3. (12815) Cyrille Verbrugge (BEL/FEN/1900,06)
  4. (12752) Georges, Baron Dillon-Kavanagh (FRA/FEN/1900,06)
  5. (12000) Pierre Payssé (FRA/GYM/1900,06)
  6. (5670) Pierre d'Hugues (FRA/FEN/1900,06)
  7. (4933) Charles Delaporte (FRA/ROW-CYT/1900,06)
  8. (4800) William Henry (GBR/WAT-SWI/1900,06)
  9. (2902) Alfred Grütter (SUI/SHO/1900,06)
  10. (1109) Joseph Sénat (FRA/FEN/1900,06)
  11. (750.0) Charles Newton Robinson (GBR/FEN/1900,06)
  12. (527.5) Georg Hax (GER/WAT-GYM/1900,06)
  13. (376.0) Daniel Lavielle (FRA/GYM/1900,06)
  14. (303.1) Strausz Gyula (HUN/ATH/1900,06)
  15. (188.8) Julius Keyl (GER/GYM-ATH/1900,06)
  16. (67.59) Emil Fick (SWE/FEN/1900,06)

Written 2011-09-25 - last modified 2022-12-24

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