Aquatics 1948 - men - Switzerland

Aquatics 1948

The disciplines at London :

The Full List

  1. (5.380) Tristan Sauer (SUI/WAT/1948)
  2. (5.380) René Weibel (SUI/WAT/1948)
  3. (5.380) Heinrich Keller (SUI/WAT/1948)
  4. (5.380) Georges Hauser (SUI/WAT/1948)
  5. (5.380) Erwin Klumpp (SUI/WAT/1948)
  6. (5.380) Edouard Hauser (SUI/WAT/1948)
  7. (5.380) André Grosjean (SUI/WAT/1948)
  8. (0.600) Hans Widmer (SUI/SWI/1948)
  9. (0.384) Walter Kunz (SUI/SWI/1948)
  10. (0.256) Willy Rist (SUI/DIV/1948)
  11. (0.240) Nicolas Wildhaber (SUI/SWI/1948,60)
  12. (0.200) Ernst Strupler (SUI/DIV/1948)
  13. (-2.38) Hans Blumer (SUI/SWI/1948)
  14. (-2.30) Walter Schneider (SUI/SWI/1948-52)

Written 2018-05-21 - last modified 2018-05-21

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