Doubles 1980

These athletes competed at more than one sport in Moskva :

2 sports

  1. (359.8=325+34.82) Heikki Hulkkonen (FIN/MOP-FEN/1976-80)
Already doubled previously:
  1. (359.8=325+34.82) Heikki Hulkkonen (FIN/MOP-FEN/1976-80)

In addition, there are doublers between disciplines in:

Competed at a different sport previously :

  1. (2638=1638+1000) Mauri Röppänen (FIN/SHO-BIA/1972W,80-84S) (S-W)
  2. (1160=1000+160) Jiří Adam (tch-CZE/MPE-FEN/1976-80)
  3. (7688=7682+6.4) Svante Rasmuson (SWE/MOP-SWI/1976-88)
  4. (226.0=225+1) Joël Suty (FRA/GYM-DIV/1976-84)

(S-W) 1 athlete switched between Winter and Summer Olympics

In addition, there are switchers between disciplines in:

Previous doublers:

  1. (4440=3280+1160) Roswitha Krause (gdr-GER/HAN-SWI/1968,76-80)
  2. (731.1=690+41.13) David Bárcena (MEX/EQE+MPE/1964-80)
  3. (1918=1910+8) Hans Jacobson (SWE/FEN-MPE/1968,76-80)
  4. (248.3=240.5+7.78) Jussi Pelli (FIN/MOP-FEN/1976-84)

Later doublers:

  1. (1981=1881+100) Agata Jaroszek-Karczmarek (POL/ATH-GYM/1980,88-96)
  2. (1204=1200+4) Rolf Strittmatter (SUI/BOB-ATH/1980S,84W)
  3. (68.00=68+-2.38) Pat McDonagh (IRL/ROW-BOB/1980,88S,92W)

Doublers by Country

Switchers by Country

Other doubles (previous and future)

to the total Doubles list

Written 2023-10-01 - last modified 2023-10-01

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.