Lists by nationality - every competitor is listed under (usually only) one (present-day) nationality - see the explanation
(*) The nation switcher Anton Heida is technically a nation
"doubler" since he competed under two nationalities during the same Olympics.
NI(1) = Not Invited (WWI)
NI(2) = Not Invited (WWII)
NI(3) = Not Invited (Apartheid)
NI(4) = Not Invited (Republic of China)
Boy(1) = Boycotted the 1956 Games (Suez-crisis)
Boy(2) = Boycotted the 1956 Games (Soviet invasion of Hungary)
Boy(3) = Boycotted the 1964 Games (athletes who competed at GANEFO were not allowed in Tokyo)
Boy(4) = Boycotted the 1968 Games (GANEFO affair)
Boy(5) = Boycotted the 1976 Games (New Zealand Rugby team visit to South Africa)
Boy(6) = Boycotted the 1980 Games (Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan)
Boy(7) = Boycotted the 1984 Games (Anti-Soviet hysteria)
Written 2012-05-18 - last modified 2024-09-01
This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.