1972 Summer Olympians from Lithuania

on the team of the Soviet Union.

By sport

The full list - Men:

  1. (8000) Vladas Česiūnas (urs-LTU/CAS/1972)
  2. (4480) Modestas Paulauskas (urs-LTU/BAS/1968-72)
  3. (600.0) Romualdas Bitė (urs-LTU/ATH/1972)
  4. (60.00) Kęstusis Šapka (urs-LTU/ATH/1972)
  5. (24.00) Rimantas Plungė (urs-LTU/ATH/1972)

Competed Before - Men:

  1. (4480) Modestas Paulauskas (urs-LTU/BAS/1968-72)

The full list - Women:

  1. (4000) Nijolė Sabaitė (urs-LTU/ATH/1972)
  2. (7.040) Birutė Užkuraitytė (urs-LTU/SWI/1972)

full list for Lithuania

Written 2022-03-22 - last modified 2022-03-22

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.