1964 Olympians from Spain

In addition, there was one athlete from Andorra on the Spanish team.

By sport

The full list - Men:

  1. (-3.43) Francisco Javier Masana (ESP/SKA/1964)
  2. (-3.32) Juan Garriga (ESP/SKA/1964)
  3. (-4.27) Luis Sánchez (ESP/SKA/1960-64)
  4. (-7.26) Francisco Prat (ESP/SKA/1964)
  5. (-7.16) Boto (ESP/SKA/1964-68)

Competed Previously - Men:

  1. (-4.27) Luis Sánchez (ESP/SKA/1960-64)

full list for Spain

Written 2020-08-30 - last modified 2020-08-30

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.