Herman's Top St.Moritz 1928 Olympians

Here are the athletes that competed at St.Moritz 1928 :
They are ranked according to New Honour Points (HP).
Check here to see how these Honour Points are attributed. Check the Main Page for more Olympic lists.

These lists are completely according to the database compiled by Bill Mallon and others (see a special page).

The sports at St.Moritz :
total men women
comp prev comp prev comp prev
Bobsleigh and Skeleton 125 4 125 4 - -
Ice Hockey 122 20 122 20 - -
Skating 91 25 63 17 28 8
Skiing 122 17 122 17 - -
Doublers -1 -1 -1 -1 - -
Switchers - 6 - 6 - -
total 459 71 431 63 28 8

The website has 460 competitors. They have counted 11 Austrian Ice Hockeyers.

Totals per Sport

The teams in St.Moritz :
total men women
comp prev comp prev comp prev
Argentina 10 - 10 - - -
Austria 37 1 32 1 5 -
Belgium 25 4 24 4 1 -
Canada 23 2 20 1 3 1
Czechoslovakia 25 10 24 10 1 -
Estonia 2 - 2 - - -
Finland 18 6 17 5 1 1
France 38 14 36 13 2 1
Germany 44 - 39 - 5 -
Great Britain 32 10 29 8 3 2
Hungary 13 1 13 1 - -
Italy 13 1 13 1 - -
Japan 6 - 6 - - -
Latvia 1 1 1 1 - -
Lithuania 1 - 1 - - -
Luxembourg 5 - 5 - - -
Mexico 5 - 5 - - -
Netherlands 7 - 7 - - -
Norway 25 5 22 4 3 1
Poland 24 1 24 1 - -
Romania 10 - 10 - - -
Sweden 24 6 24 6 - -
Switzerland 41 4 40 4 1 -
United States 24 5 21 3 3 2
Yugoslavia 6 - 6 - - -
total 459 71 431 63 28 8

The Nationalities in Chamonix :
total men women
comp prev comp prev comp prev
Argentina 10 - 10 - - -
Austria 37 1 32 1 5 -
Belgium 25 4 24 4 1 -
Canada 23 2 20 1 3 1
Czechia 21 9 20 9 1 -
Estonia 2 - 2 - - -
Finland 18 6 17 5 1 1
France 38 14 36 13 2 1
Germany 48 1 43 1 5 -
Great Britain 32 10 29 8 3 2
Hungary 13 1 13 1 - -
Italy 13 1 13 1 - -
Japan 6 - 6 - - -
Latvia 1 1 1 1 - -
Lithuania 1 - 1 - - -
Luxembourg 5 - 5 - - -
Mexico 5 - 5 - - -
Netherlands 7 - 7 - - -
Norway 25 5 22 4 3 1
Poland 24 1 24 1 - -
Romania 10 - 10 - - -
Slovenia 6 - 6 - - -
Sweden 24 6 24 6 - -
Switzerland 41 4 40 4 1 -
United States 24 5 21 3 3 2
total 459 71 431 63 28 8


Full list men (431)

Full list women (28)

All competitors in St. Moritz (459)

Competitors by group of participations


Interesting Birthplaces:
  1. (120.0) Henry Martineau (GBR/1928)
  2. (30.00) Curt van de Sandt (NED/1928)
  3. (30.00) Jacques Delprat (NED/1928)
  4. (2080) Colin Carruthers (GBR/1924-28)
  5. (2080) Eric Carruthers (GBR/1924-28)
  6. (2080) Blaine Sexton (GBR/1924-28)
  7. (2080) Ross Cuthbert (GBR/1924-28)
  8. (800) Victor Tait (GBR/1928)
  9. (800) William Speechley (GBR/1928)
  10. (800) Cecil Wylde (GBR/1928)
  11. (800) Harold Greenwood (GBR/1928)
  12. (800) Wilbert Hurst-Brown (GBR/1928)
  13. (800) John Rogers (GBR/1928)
  14. (1199) Alfred de Rauch (FRA/1920-28)
  15. (340) Herbert Brück (AUT/1928)
  16. (86) Tadeusz Adamowski (POL/1928)
  17. (86) Aleksander Tupalski (POL/1928)
  18. (1.500) Anita de St. Quentin (FRA/1928)
  19. (-2.38) Luigi Bernasconi (ITA/1928)

Written 2008-10-07 - last modified 2017-04-21

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.