Herman's Top Chamonix 1924 Olympians

Here are the athletes that competed at Chamonix 1924 :
They are ranked according to New Honour Points (HP).
Check here to see how these Honour Points are attributed. Check the Main Page for more Olympic lists.

These lists are completely according to the database compiled by Bill Mallon and others (see a special page).

The sports at Chamonix :
total men women
comp prev comp prev comp prev
Alpinism 160 - 160 - - -
Bobsledding 39 - 39 - - -
Curling 16 - 16 - - -
Ice Hockey 81 18 81 18 - -
Military patrol 24 - 24 - - -
Skating 60 10 47 5 13 5
Skiing 82 - 82 - - -
Doublers -11 - -11 - - -
Switchers - 1 - 1 - -
total 451 29 438 24 13 5

The website does not mention the two interpreters and the 137 unknown porters and arrives at 312 Participants.

Totals per Sport

The teams in Chamonix :
total men women
comp prev comp prev comp prev
Australia 1 - 1 - - -
Austria 4 - 2 - 2 -
Belgium 18 4 17 3 1 1
Canada 12 - 11 - 1 -
Czechoslovakia 26 4 26 4 - -
Finland 17 2 16 1 1 1
France 43 5 41 4 2 1
Great Britain 44 1 41 - 3 1
Hungary 4 1 4 1 - -
India 109 - 109 - - -
Italy 23 - 23 - - -
Latvia 2 - 2 - - -
Nepal 31 - 31 - - -
Norway 14 - 13 - 1 -
Poland 7 - 7 - - -
Sweden 31 4 31 4 - -
Switzerland 30 4 30 4 - -
Tibet 7 - 7 - - -
United States 24 4 22 3 2 1
Yugoslavia 4 - 4 - - -
total 451 28 438 23 13 5

The website does not mention the two interpreters and the 137 unknown porters and arrives at 312 Participants.

The Nationalities in Chamonix :
total men women
comp prev comp prev comp prev
Australia 1 - 1 - - -
Austria 4 - 2 - 2 -
Belgium 18 4 17 3 1 1
Canada 12 - 11 - 1 -
China 7 - 7 - - -
Croatia 2 - 2 - - -
Czechia 24 4 24 4 - -
Finland 17 2 16 1 1 1
France 43 5 41 4 2 1
Germany 2 - 2 - - -
Great Britain 44 1 41 - 3 1
Hungary 4 1 4 1 - -
India 109 - 109 - - -
Italy 23 - 23 - - -
Latvia 2 - 2 - - -
Nepal 31 - 31 - - -
Norway 14 - 13 - 1 -
Poland 7 - 7 - - -
Slovenia 2 - 2 - - -
Sweden 31 4 31 4 - -
Switzerland 30 4 30 4 - -
United States 24 4 22 3 2 1
total 451 29 438 24 13 5

The website does not mention the two interpreters and the 137 unknown porters and arrives at 312 Participants.


Full list men (438)

Full list women (13)

All competitors in Chamonix (451)

Competitors by group of participations


Interesting Birthplaces

  1. (480.6) Szczepan Witkowski (POL/BIA-CCS/1924)
  2. (3000) Ralph Broome (GBR/1924)
  3. (750.0) William Horton (GBR/1924)
  4. (4000) Herb Drury (USA/1920-24)
  5. (4000) Frank Synnott (USA/1920-24)
  6. (2080) Colin Carruthers (GBR/1924-28)
  7. (2080) Eric Carruthers (GBR/1924-28)
  8. (2080) Ross Cuthbert (GBR/1924-28)
  9. (2080) Blaine Sexton (GBR/1924-28)
  10. (1280) Edward Pitblado (GBR/1924)
  11. (1280) Lorne Carr-Harris (GBR/1924)
  12. (1280) Geoffrey Holmes (GBR/1924)
  13. (1280) Hamilton Jukes (GBR/1924)
  14. (1280) Guy Clarkson (GBR/1924)
  15. (1199) Alfred de Rauch (FRA/1920-28)
  16. (3200) Edward Norton (GBR/1924)
  17. (3200) Karma Paul (IND/1924)
  18. (100.7) Déván István (HUN/ATH-NOC-CCS/1912,24)
  19. (960.0) Josef Adolf (tch-GER/1924)
  20. (150.0) Franz Wende (tch-GER/1924-28)

Written 2003-01-29 - last modified 2017-01-26

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.