Aquatics 1964 - Men - Great Britain

Aquatics 1964

The disciplines at Tokyo :

The Full List

  1. (6235) Bobby McGregor (GBR/SWI/1964-68)
  2. (3200) Brian Phelps (GBR/DIV/1960-64)
  3. (506.4) John Martin-Dye (GBR/SWI/1960-64)
  4. (164.0) John Candler (GBR/DIV/1960-64)
  5. (106.7) Bob Lord (GBR/SWI/1964)
  6. (100.0) Peter Kendrew (GBR/SWI/1964)
  7. (84.00) Brian Jenkins (GBR/SWI/1964)
  8. (72.00) Neil Nicholson (GBR/SWI/1964)
  9. (64.32) Geoff Thwaites (GBR/SWI/1964)
  10. (7.066) John Thurley (GBR/SWI/1964)
  11. (6.400) Tony Kitcher (GBR/DIV/1964)
  12. (0.100) William Wood (GBR/DIV/1964)
  13. (-5.40) Dave Haller (GBR/SWI/1964)

Competed Before

  1. (3200) Brian Phelps (GBR/DIV/1960-64)
  2. (506.4) John Martin-Dye (GBR/SWI/1960-64)
  3. (164.0) John Candler (GBR/DIV/1960-64)

Written 2020-09-18 - last modified 2020-09-18

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.