1984 | HP | |
Men's Flyweight (-51 kg) | bronze | 3120 |
3120 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's Slalom | dnf | -16.64 |
-16.64 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's Team | fourth | 800 |
800 |
1976 | 1980 | 1984 | HP | |
Men's 100 m Freestyle | 35th | 19th | 1.601 | |
Men's 200 m Freestyle | 37th | -3.40 | ||
Men's 4 x 100 m Freestyle Relay | 14th | 4 | ||
Men's 4 x 200 m Freestyle Relay | 15th | 2.5 | ||
Men's 4 x 100 m Medley Relay | 10th | 25 | ||
33.1014 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's 200 m Freestyle | 38th | -3.26 |
Men's 400 m Freestyle | 41st | -4.64 |
Men's 4 x 200 m Freestyle Relay | 15th | 2.5 |
2.50032 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's 18 kilometres | 65th | 0.000000001 |
0.000000001 |
1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Men's 5000 metres | 9th | 160 | |
Men's 10000 metres | R1:21st | 0.64 | |
160.64 |
Olympic Competitor nr 7250
1976 | HP | |
Men's Downhill | 59th | -7.16 |
Men's Giant Slalom | dnf | -15.40 |
Men's Slalom | dnf | -14.16 |
0.000000016 |
1952 | 1956 | 1960 | 1964 | HP | |
Three−Day Event, Individual | dnf | 0.00000002 | |||
Three−Day Event, Team | dnf | - | |||
Jumping, Individual | 12th | 50 | |||
Jumping, Team | fifth | 250 | |||
300.00000002 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's 4x100 metres Freestyle Relay | FI:dnf | 64 |
Men's 4x200 metres Freestyle Relay | sixth | 160 |
224 |
1928 | HP | |
Men's Team | (gold) | 2000 |
2000 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Light-Flyweight (-48 kg) | R2 | 79.13 |
79.13 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Road Race, Individual | ac | 0.000015 |
Men's Road Race, Team | ac | 18 |
18.000015 |
1960 | 1964 | 1968 | HP | |
Men's Team | 13th | fourth | 9th | 892.8 |
892.8 |
1948 | HP | |
Men's Coxed Fours | QF:2nd | 127.5 |
127.5 |
B. 1981-03-18, Wohlen, Switzerland
Cycling - Road (2 gold, 1 silver)
2004 | 2008 | 2012 | 2012 | HP | |
Time Trial | 9th | gold | 7th | gold | 30030 |
Road Race | dnf | silver | 106th | 34th | 6000 |
36060 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Small−Bore Rifle | 44th | 0.000024 |
0.000024 |
1968 | HP | |
Men's High Jump | QU:38th | -3.38 |
0.000384 |
1948 | HP | |
FR Men's Light−Heavyweight (-87 kg) | fourth | 2400 |
2400 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Individual Combined | 120th | -19.10 |
-19.10 |
1984 | HP | |
Women's 100 metres | QF:8th | -2.91 |
0.0091 |
1968 | HP | |
Trap | fifth | 1500 |
1500 |
1920 | HP | |
Men's Individual | 18th | 3.84 |
3.84 |
1948 | HP | |
Men's Middleweight (-79 kg) | silver | 6000 |
6000 |
B. 1898-02-11, Switzerland
Rowing (1 gold, 1 bronze)
1920 | 1924 | 1928 | HP | |
Coxed Pairs | bronze | gold | 12320 | |
Single Sculls | QF | 947.1 | ||
13267.1 |
In the coxed pairs, twice together with Alfred Felber.
1932 | HP | |
Men's Foil, Individual | R1:7th | 1.35 |
Men's Foil, Team | R1:3rd | 205 |
206.35 |
1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Women's Solo | dnq | 10th | 100.000064 |
Women's Duet | eighth | 192 | |
292.000064 |
1988 | HP | |
Women's Solo | QU:36th | -3.64 |
0.00064 |
1960 | 1964 | HP | |
Men's Springboard | 9th | 160 | |
Men's Platform | 17th | 4 | |
164 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Team | (13th) | 3.2 |
3.2 |
1976 | 1980 | 1984 | HP | |
Jumping, Individual | 25th | fifth | 1250.125 | |
Jumping, Team | fifth | 250 | ||
1500.125 |
1968 | 1972 | HP | |
Two−Man | 9th | 7th | 700 |
Four−Man | bronze | fourth | 3120 |
3820 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's 100 km Team Time Trial | 18th | 1.92 |
1.92 |
1908 | HP | |
Men's Platform (5 & 10m), plain | QU:3rd | 23.34 |
23.34 |
Olympic Competitor nr 4437
1936 | HP | |
Women's Team combined | 7th | 200 |
200 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Team | silver | 2000 |
2000 |
Olympic Competitor nr 1609
1964 | HP | |
Men's 400 metres Freestyle | R1:43rd | -4.26 |
Men's 200 metres Butterfly | R1:28th | 0.032 |
Men's 4x100 metres Freestyle Relay | R1:13th | 6.4 |
6.4320256 |
1948 | HP | |
Three−Person Keelboat (Dragon) | fifth | 1000 |
1000 |
Olympic Competitor nr 5167
The time of his second match is not known, but it had to be in the afternoon, as he only won his previous round match the same morning.
1968 | HP | |
Women's 100 metres Backstroke | 7th | 400 |
Women's 200 metres Backstroke | R1:13th | 25.6 |
425.6 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Bantamweight (-54 kg) | R2 | 1.088 |
1.088 |
1968 | 1972 | HP | |
Men's Team | 8th | 9th | 208 |
208 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Bantamweight (-57 kg) | 27th | 0.06 |
0.06 |
1928 | HP | |
Men's Welterweight (-66.7 kg) | QF | 861 |
861 |
1928 | HP | |
Men's Eights | QF | 540 |
540 |
1936 | HP | |
Painting - unknown event | 2 entries | 7.448 |
7.448 |
1936 | HP | |
Sculpture - unknown event | 4 HC | - |
- |
Entries "Hors Concours", so not a true Olympian.
1924 | 1928 | HP | |
Men's Platform (5 & 10m) | QU:4th | QU:dnf | 68.16 |
68.16 |
1964 | HP | |
Women's 80 metres Hurdles | R1:6th | 0.546 |
Women's 4x100 metres Relay | 8th | 64 |
64.546 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's Doubles, 1000 m | SF:4th | 51 |
51 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Team | (fifth) | 128 |
128 |
1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Women's Road Race | fifth | 32nd | 1500.006 |
1500.006 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's Teams | bronze | 1920 |
1920 |
1968 | 1972 | 1976 | HP | |
Men's Team | 11th | bronze | 7th | 1512 |
1512 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Bantamweight (-56 kg) | dnf | 0.6 |
0.6 |
1920 | HP | |
Men's Shot Put | QU:8th | 384 |
384 |
1956 | HP | |
Men's Decathlon | 10th | 150 |
150 |
1956 | HP | |
Men's Springboard | 21st | 0.64 |
Men's Platform | 21st | 0.64 |
1.28 |
1952 | 1956 | 1960 | HP | |
Men's Team | QR:3rd | fourth | 801.36 | |
801.36 |
Olympic Competitor nr 331bis??
This competitor was included in the MADMen database, but I don't believe he is a real addition but rather a misspelling of Paul Carrichon. The extra fencer would mean that an odd number of athletes are playing in all three of the first rounds, when qualification to the next round was based on jury decisions. There is no mention of any fencer being bye, which strengthens my belief.
1968 | HP | |
Men's Eights | sixth | 320 |
320 |
1920 | HP | |
Men's Team | gold | 3200 |
3200 |
1976 | HP | |
Free Pistol | 32nd | -2.60 |
0.006 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's Middleweight (-75 kg) | R1 | 1.475 |
1.475 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's Singles | 20th | 1.5 |
1.5 |
He competed in 1968 in the first Olympic Ice Dance competition (a demonstration event).
1956 | HP | |
Eventing, Individual | 22nd | 0.5 |
Eventing, Team | sixth | 160 |
160.5 |
1956 | HP | |
Men's Road Race | 9th | 200 |
Men's Road Race, Team | dnf | 0.25 |
200.25 |
1920 | 1924 | HP | |
Men's Épée, Individual | QF:7th | 0.072 | |
Men's Épée, Team | (gold) | bronze | 800 |
800.072 |
1972 | HP | |
Men's Team | 10th | 50 |
50 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's High Jump | QU:22nd | 0.6 |
0.6 |
An ethnic Serb, he was born in Macedonia and lived and competed in Croatia. He died as a soldier in the Army of the Republic of Serbian Krajina, a rebel force that attempted to secede from Croatia. I shall class him as Serbian, which is what he would probably have wanted.
1980 | 1984 | HP | |
Women's Springboard | 9th | 16th | 166.4 |
Women's Platform | 10th | 8th | 356 |
522.4 |
1932 | HP | |
Painting | ac | 2.186 |
2.186 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Hammer Throw | 15th | 15 |
15 |
1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Men's Lightweight (-60 kg) | QF | prel | 861.0014 |
861.0014 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Kayak Doubles 1000 metres | 9th | 120 |
120 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Eights | sixth | 320 |
320 |
1932 | HP | |
Small-Bore Rifle | 13th | 38.4 |
38.4 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Javelin Throw | 10th | 150 |
150 |
1920 | HP | |
Men's Road Race | bronze | 3200 |
Men's Road Race, Team | gold | 1600 |
4800 |
1984 | 1988 | 1992 | HP | |
Men's 200 metres | R1:49th | -5.16 | ||
Men's 400 metres | SF:5th | 130 | ||
Men's 4x100 m Relay | R1:22nd | 0.1 | ||
Men's 4x400 m Relay | R1:17th | 1 | ||
131.1000016 |
1952 | HP | |
Lightweight (-67.5 kg) | 10th | 150 |
150 |
1968 | HP | |
Men's Épée, Team | R1:3rd | 7.78 |
7.78 |
1980 | HP | |
Men's Two | 20th | 1.25 |
Men's Four | dnf | 3 |
4.25 |
1900 | HP | |
Men's Team | silver | 1640 |
1640 |
Olympic Competitor nr 1680
1984 | 1988 | 1992 | HP | |
Men's 20 km Race Walk | gold | dq | 29th | 6400.016000256 |
Men's 50 km Race Walk | 10th | 100 | ||
6500.016000256 |
1948 | HP | |
Men's 100 metres Freestyle | R1:24th | 0.16 |
Men's 4x200 m Freestyle Relay | (sixth) | 64 |
64.16 |
1984 | HP | |
Women's Individual | sixth | 960 |
960 |
1948 | HP | |
Men's Épée, Individual | gold | 8000 |
Men's Épée, Team | silver | 1000 |
9000 |
1956 | HP | |
Men's Coxless Fours | fourth | 1200 |
1200 |
1906 | HP | |
Men's Military Rifle | 36th | -3.48 |
0.00048 |
Olympic Competitor nr 2558
1972 | 1976 | HP | |
Men's Lightweight (-67.5 kg) | 9th | 11th | 336 |
336 |
1948 | HP | |
Women's 4x100 m Relay | R1:dnf | 20.5 |
20.5 |
1976 | HP | |
Women's 400 metres | QF:6th | 0.364 |
Women's 4x400 m Relay | fourth | 400 |
400.364 |
1948 | HP | |
Women's Long Jump | 7th | 600 |
600 |
1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Men's Middleweight (-86 kg) | fifth | fifth | 2460 |
2460 |
1988 | HP | |
Men's Individual | 58th | -7.32 |
Men's Team | 16th | 1.6 |
1.600000032 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's Team | R1 | 26.38 |
26.38 |
Written 2001-01-16 - last modified 2024-12-21
This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.