Olympians from Liberia - Full List Men

  1. (0.830) Edward Martins (LBR/ATH/1956)
  2. (0.824) George Johnson (LBR/ATH/1956-60)
  3. (0.820) Emmanuel Putu (LBR/ATH/1956-60)
  4. (0.820) James Roberts (LBR/ATH/1956-60)
  5. (-3.42) Alifu Massaquoi (LBR-SLE/ATH/1960,68)
  6. (-4.21) Wesley Johnson (LBR/ATH/1964)
  7. (-6.16) Dominic Saidu (LBR/ATH/1972)
  8. (-7.20) Thomas Howe (LBR/ATH/1972)
  9. (-8.64) Thomas N'Ma (LBR/ATH/1972)
  10. (-9.64) Edward Kar (LBR/ATH/1972)
  11. (-11.40) Andrew Sartee (LBR/ATH/1972)
This includes the nation switcher Alifu Massaquoi (LBR-SLE/ATH/1960,68)

Written 2020-03-28 - last modified 2023-01-15

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.