Olympians from Andorra - Full List Men

  1. (116.9) Joan Claudi Montane (AND/BOX/1976)
  2. (0.278) Francesc Gaset (AND/SHO/1980-84)
  3. (0.200) Joan Tomas (AND/SHO/1976-84,2000,12)
  4. (0.011) Carlos Font (AND/SKA/1976-80)
  5. (-2.50) Lluis Viu (esp-AND/SKA/1964)
  6. (-2.15) Esteve Dolsa (AND/SHO/1976)
  7. (-2.11) Francesc Viladomat (esp-AND/SKA/1952-56)
  8. (-3.40) Luis Molné (esp-AND/SKA/1952-56)
  9. (-3.16) Miguel Font (AND/SKA/1980)
  10. (-4.14) Patrick Toussaint (AND/SKA/1980)
  11. (-6.16) Antoine Crespo (AND/SKA/1976)
  12. (-10.16) Xavier Areny (AND/SKA/1976)
  13. (-14.16) Antoni Naudi (AND/SKA/1976)
  14. (-15.40) Esteve Tomas (AND/SKA/1976)

Written 2019-01-28 - last modified 2023-10-05

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.