Herman's Top Olympians - 36 years

There have been 7 competitors who participated in games 36 years apart.

The full list:

  1. (24453) Afanasijs Kuzmins (urs-LAT/SHO/1976-80,1988-2012)
  2. (10646) Paul Van Asbroeck (BEL/SHO/1900,08,20-24,36)
  3. (9960) Francisco Boza (PER/SHO/1980-2004,16)
  4. (1408) Nelson Pessoa Filho (BRA/EQJ/1956,64-72,92)
  5. (18.55) Jacques Lafortune (BEL/SHO/1924,36-52,60)
  6. (9.601) Krum Lekarski (BUL/EQD-EQE/1924-28,56-60)
  7. (0.200) Joan Tomas (AND/SHO/1976-84,2000,12)

Written 2020-01-03 - last modified 2023-11-21

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.