Herman's Top München 1972 Olympians - München, Montréal, Los Angeles and Seoul

8 Athletes that competed in München 1972, Montréal 1976, Los Angeles 1984 and Seoul 1988

  1. (12875) Malcolm Cooper (GBR/SHO/1972-76,84-88)
  2. (12370) Alf Hansen (NOR/ROW/1972-76,84-88)
  3. (6040) Grete Andersen-Waitz (NOR/ATH/1972-76,84-88)
  4. (4510) Ric Charlesworth (AUS/HOC/1972-76,84-88)
  5. (2238) Johnny Påhlsson (SWE/SHO/1972-76,84-88)
  6. (2139) Armando Fernández (MEX-frg-GER/WAT/1972-76,84-88)
  7. (198.7) Jennie Loriston-Clarke (GBR/EQD/1972-76,84-88)
  8. (187.0) Pedro Ferrero (ARG/SAI/1972-76,84-88)

Written 2022-04-29 - last modified 2023-01-18

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.