Cycling - Track 1984 - Men - Australia

1984 Cycling - Track

  1. (19200) Dean Woods (AUS/CYT/1984-88,96)
  2. (5310) Kevin Nichols (AUS/CYT/1976-84)
  3. (5184) Michael Grenda (AUS/CYT/1984)
  4. (4800) Mike Turtur (AUS/CYT/1984)
  5. (1350) Kenrick Tucker (AUS/CYT/1980-84)
  6. (960.0) Glenn Clarke (AUS/CYT/1984)
  7. (25.01) Max Rainsford (AUS/CYT/1984)
  8. (-2.12) Gary West (AUS/CYT/1984)

Cyclists who competed before:

  1. (5310) Kevin Nichols (AUS/CYT/1976-84)
  2. (1350) Kenrick Tucker (AUS/CYT/1980-84)

Written 2024-03-03 - last modified 2024-03-03

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