Cycling 1936 - men - Germany

1936 Cycling

The Disciplines at Berlin :

Total List: - on the team of Czechoslovakia
  1. (18.00) Hans Leutelt (tch-GER/CYR/1936)

Total List: on the German team

  1. (9600) Toni Merkens (GER/CYT/1936)
  2. (8000) Carl Lorenz (GER/CYT/1936)
  3. (8000) Ernst Ihbe (GER/CYT/1936)
  4. (3840) Rudolf Karsch (GER/CYT/1936)
  5. (2027) Fritz Scheller (GER/CYR/1936)
  6. (1200) Erich Arndt (GER/CYT/1936)
  7. (1200) Hans Hoffmann (GER/CYT/1936)
  8. (1200) Heinz Hasselberg (GER/CYT/1936)
  9. (1200) Karl Klöckner (GER/CYT/1936)
  10. (18.00) Emil Schöpflin (GER/CYR/1936)
  11. (18.00) Fritz Ruland (GER/CYR/1936)
  12. (18.00) Willi Meurer (GER/CYR/1936)

Written 2017-12-21 - last modified 2017-12-21

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.