Olympians from Puerto Rico - Full List Women

  1. (31.96) Kristina Moir (PUR/SWI/1968)
  2. (9.606) Diana Hatler (PUR/SWI/1976)
  3. (5.670) María Mock (PUR/SWI/1976)
  4. (5.602) Ángela López (PUR/SWI/1976)
  5. (5.600) Jane Fayer (PUR/SWI/1976)
  6. (4.020) Ann Lallande (PUR/SWI/1964)
  7. (2.526) Ana Marcial (PUR/SWI/1968)
  8. (2.523) Liana Vicens (PUR/SWI/1968)
  9. (2.510) Lorna Blake (PUR/SWI/1968)
  10. (1.113) Margaret Harding (PUR/SWI/1964)
  11. (0.060) María del Carmen Medina (PUR/ARC/1976)
  12. (-2.46) Ileana Hocking (PUR/ATH/1976)
  13. (-3.15) Gloria Colón (PUR/FEN/1960)
  14. (-5.54) Dinorah Enríquez (PUR/FEN/1976)

Written 2020-07-25 - last modified 2023-01-16

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.