Boxing 1980 - Ethiopia

1980 Boxing

  1. (79.13) Ayele Mohamed (ETH/BOX/1972,80)
  2. (79.13) Hassan Sherif (ETH/BOX/1980)
  3. (79.13) Kebede Sahilu (ETH/BOX/1980)
  4. (79.13) Leoul Neeraio (ETH/BOX/1980)
  5. (2.550) Beruk Asafaw (ETH/BOX/1980)
  6. (2.241) Seifu Retta (ETH/BOX/1980)
  7. (1.253) Tadesse Haile (ETH/BOX/1980)
  8. (1.165) Ebrahim Saide (ETH/BOX/1980)

Boxers who competed previously:

  1. (79.13) Ayele Mohamed (ETH/BOX/1972,80)

Written 2023-05-19 - last modified 2023-05-19

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