Doublers Winter 1980 from Great Britain

Switchers - Competed at a different sport previously :

  1. (247.0=245+2.002) Jonnie Woodall (GBR/BOB-LUG/1972,80)

Had doubled before:

  1. (19.63=19.52+0.111) Jeremy Palmer-Tomkinson (GBR/LUG-SKA/1968-80)
  2. (113.4=113.4+-6.16) Keith Oliver (GBR/BIA-CCS/1972-80)
  3. (16.40=16.4+-8.26) Paul Gibbins (GBR/BIA-CCS/1976-80)

Will compete in another sport later:

  1. (10.00=10+-5.16) Charles MacIvor (GBR/BIA-CCS/1980-84)

Written 2023-02-15 - last modified 2023-02-15

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