Cycling - Track 1980 - Men - Hungary

1980 Cycling - Track

  1. (64.80) Morcz László (HUN/CYT/1980)
  2. (39.60) Szűcs Gábor (HUN/CYT/1976-80)
  3. (30.00) Dér Ervin (HUN/CYT/1980)
  4. (30.00) Pálinkás Csaba (HUN/CYT/1980)
  5. (30.00) Sarkadi Nagy Zsigmond (HUN/CYT/1980)

Cyclists who competed before:

  1. (39.60) Szűcs Gábor (HUN/CYT/1976-80)

Written 2023-06-02 - last modified 2023-06-02

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