Cycling 1928 - Denmark

The Disciplines at Amsterdam :

total list:

  1. (18965) Willy Falck Hansen (DEN/CYT/1924-28)
  2. (10650) Henry Hansen (DEN/CYR/1928-32)
  3. (3300) Leo Nielsen (DEN/CYR/1928-32)
  4. (1600) Orla Jørgensen (DEN/CYR/1928)
  5. (0.032) Poul Sørensen (DEN/CYR/1928)

Competitors that also competed in Paris 1924

  1. (18965) Willy Falck Hansen (DEN/CYT/1924-28)

Written 2010-08-04 - last modified 2017-05-26

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