Weightlifting 1952 - Great Britain

1952 Weightlifting

  1. (6336) Julian Creus (GBR/WEI/1948-56)
  2. (3840) Jim Halliday (GBR/WEI/1948-52)
  3. (696.0) Maurice Megennis (GBR/WEI/1952-56)
  4. (3.840) Yorrie Evans (GBR/WEI/1952)
  5. (1.500) Melville Barnett (GBR/WEI/1952)

Weightlifters that competed previously:

  1. (6336) Julian Creus (GBR/WEI/1948-56)
  2. (3840) Jim Halliday (GBR/WEI/1948-52)

Written 2019-12-02 - last modified 2019-12-02

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