Competitors in 1924 and 1952

7 Athletes that competed in Paris 1924 and Helsinki 1952

  1. (10160) Cyril Mackworth-Praed (GBR/SHO/1924,52)
  2. (7790) Konni Huber (FIN/SHO/1924,52)
  3. (4096) Hans Dittmar (FIN/SAI/1924,52)
  4. (168.9) Enoch Jenkins (GBR/SHO/1920-24,52)
  5. (18.55) Jacques Lafortune (BEL/SHO/1924,36-52,60)
  6. (-2.81) Herman Schultz (MON/SHO/1924,36-52)
  7. (-2.27) Roger Abel (MON/SHO/1924,36-52)

Written 2017-04-11 - last modified 2020-01-03

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