Herman's Top Tokyo 1964 Olympians - Tokyo and Montréal

12 Athletes that competed in Tokyo 1964 and Montréal 1976

  1. (15800) Harry Boldt (frg-GER/EQD/1964,76)
  2. (3000) Uwe Mares (frg-GER/SAI/1964,76)
  3. (2690) Judy Amoore-Pollock (AUS/ATH/1964,76)
  4. (90.75) Denise O'Connor (USA/FEN/1964,76)
  5. (77.50) Ian Mills (AUS/WAT/1964,76)
  6. (60.40) Lee Wright (CAN/HOC/1964,76)
  7. (55.00) Kuldip Singh Gosal (HKG-CAN/HOC/1964,76)
  8. (20.00) Haydar Shonjani (IRI/WAT-SWI/1964,76)
  9. (18.80) Haán András (HUN/BAS-SAI/1964,76)
  10. (6.400) Stanisław Marucha (POL/SHO/1964,76)
  11. (3.855) Ishige Toshiyasu (JPN/SHO/1964,76)
  12. (0.060) Reginaldo Dos Remédios (HKG/SHO/1964,76)

Written 2020-12-17 - last modified 2023-01-18

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.