Olympians from Chad - Full List Men

  1. (301.0) Mahamat Idriss (fra-CHA/ATH/1960-68)
  2. (80.49) Hassan Nour-el-Din Aman (EGY-CHA/BOX/1968-72)
  3. (60.00) Ahmed Sénoussi (CHA/ATH/1968-72)
  4. (10.80) Ahmed Issa (CHA/ATH/1964-68)
  5. (2.400) Taki N'Dio (fra-CHA/ATH/1924)
  6. (0.160) Saleh Alah-Djaba (CHA/ATH/1972)
  7. (-8.40) Gana Abba Kimet (CHA/ATH/1972)
This includes the nation switcher Hassan Nour-el-Din Aman (EGY-CHA/BOX/1968-72).

Written 2017-01-26 - last modified 2023-01-13

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.