Great Olympians

Biographies - ARH

Martin Arhelger

B. 1876-06-29, St. Louis, MO, USA, represented the Missouri AC, St. Louis; D. 1952-06-28
Basketball (1 bronze)
1904 HP
Men's Team bronze 960

The Missouri AC won two matches for certain, but the rosters are not known. A third match was won by forfeit, and one match was conceded after trailing 6-0. Their fifth match was against the champion team, the Buffalo Germans. They played that match with only four players and lost 97-8. Arhelger was definitely on this team.

Olympic Competitor nr 1879

(*) team roster not certainly known

Written 2011-08-15 - last modified 2023-05-08

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.