Aquatics 1956 - men - Ukraine

Aquatics 1956

The disciplines at Melbourne :

The Full List

  1. (3480) Boris Goykhman (urs-UKR/WAT/1952-60)
  2. (2896) Roman Brener (urs-UKR/DIV/1952-56)
  3. (1500) Ihor Zaseda (urs-UKR/SWI/1956)
  4. (320.0) Mikhail Ryzhak (urs-UKR/WAT/1956)
  5. (150.0) Farid Dosaiev (urs-UKR/SWI/1956)
  6. (12.80) Hennady Androsov (urs-UKR/SWI/1956-60)

Competed Before

  1. (3480) Boris Goykhman (urs-UKR/WAT/1952-60)
  2. (2896) Roman Brener (urs-UKR/DIV/1952-56)

Written 2020-02-02 - last modified 2020-02-02

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