Aquatics 1948 - women - Hungary

Aquatics 1948

The disciplines at London :

The Full List

  1. (23390) Székely Éva (HUN/SWI/1948-56)
  2. (15536) Éva Novák-Gérard (HUN-BEL/SWI/1948-56)
  3. (4522) Temes Judit (HUN/SWI/1948-52)
  4. (4350) Novák Ilona (HUN/SWI/1948-52)
  5. (2814) Littomeritzky Mária (HUN/SWI/1948-56)
  6. (160.0) Zságot Irén (HUN/DIV/1948)
  7. (-2.64) Nádor Zsuzsa (HUN/SWI/1948)

Written 2018-05-21 - last modified 2018-05-21

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