Aquatics 1928 - men - Luxembourg

Aquatics 1928

The disciplines at Amsterdam :

Doublers in Swimming and Waterpolo: (1)

  1. (36.56=24.56+12) Eugène Kuborn (LUX/WAT-SWI/1924-28)

The Full List (men)

  1. (36.56) Eugène Kuborn (LUX/WAT-SWI/1924-28)
  2. (24.56) Georges Bauer (LUX/WAT/1928)
  3. (24.56) Victor Klees (LUX/WAT/1928)
  4. (24.56) Charles Mersch (LUX/WAT/1928)
  5. (24.56) Jules Staudt (LUX/WAT/1928)
  6. (24.56) Boyty Staudt (LUX/WAT/1928)
  7. (24.56) Félix Unden (LUX/WAT/1928)

Athletes who competed previously : In Paris 1924

  1. (36.56) Eugène Kuborn (LUX/WAT-SWI/1924-28)

Written 2010-01-09 - last modified 2017-04-28

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.