Freestyle Wrestling 2021

The events at Tokyo :


Freestyle Wrestling :

  1. (20064) Mariya Stadnik (AZE/WRF/2008-21)
  2. (19200) Kawai Risako (JPN/WRF/2016-21)
  3. (19200) Abdulrashid Sadulayev (RUS/WRF/2016-21)
  4. (16380) Taha Akgül (TUR/WRF/2012-21)
  5. (15600) Hassan Yazdani (IRI/WRF/2016-21)
  6. (15600) Kyle Snyder (USA/WRF/2016-21)
  7. (12720) Helen Maroulis (USA/WRF/2016-21)

Written 2021-07-13 - last modified 2021-08-17

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