Herman's Top Berlin 1936 Olympians - Berlin, London, Helsinki, Melbourne and Roma

4 Athletes that competed in Berlin 1936, London 1948, Helsinki 1952, Melbourne 1956 and Roma 1960

  1. (43553) Edoardo Mangiarotti (ITA/FEN/1936-60)
  2. (31000) Kovács Pál (HUN/FEN/1936-60)
  3. (29064) Torsten Ullman (SWE/SHO/1936-60)
  4. (1932) Hans Aasnæs (NOR/SHO/1936-60)

Written 2018-01-31 - last modified 2020-01-02

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.