Herman's Contest 2

               Q x x
               A K x x x
               A K J x x

               A K J x x x
               A K J 9 x

I'm in 7 hearts with a trump lead.
I can see that spades have to be 4-2 (they are) so I start by ruffing a spade. I come to hand with diamond ace and ruff.
I ruff another spade (they both follow suit) and now I should be home. But how to get back in hand ? I don't dare to ruff another diamond, so I play Ace and another club.
I get overruffed.

Bad luck ? Not really. Take another look at the trump suit.

Don't ask me why, but I took that first trick with the Ace when the 9 would have done !!!

Wouldn't you rather check out Herman as a Tournament Director ?

Written : 1996-11-04