Weightlifting 1960 - Men - Australia

1960 Weightlifting

  1. (278.4) Arthur Shannos (AUS/WEI/1960-64)
  2. (241.5) Manny Santos (AUS/WEI/1956-60)
  3. (96.00) Cornel Wilczek (AUS/WEI/1960)
  4. (6.000) Daryl Cohen (AUS/WEI/1960)
  5. (0.100) Neville Pery (AUS/WEI/1960,68)
  6. (0.060) Donald Bayley (AUS/WEI/1960)
  7. (0.038) Alan Oshyer (AUS/WEI/1960)

Weightlifters that competed previously:

  1. (241.5) Manny Santos (AUS/WEI/1956-60)

Written 2020-07-11 - last modified 2020-07-11

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