Nordic Skiing 1952 - Men - Iceland

The disciplines at Oslo :

Full List:

  1. (16.02) Ivar Stefánsson (ISL/CCS/1952)
  2. (16.01) Jón Kristjánsson (ISL/CCS/1952-56)
  3. (16.00) Gunnar Pétursson (ISL/CCS/1952)
  4. (16.00) Ebeneser Þórarinsson (ISL/CCS/1952)
  5. (-2.26) Matthías Kristjánsson (ISL/CCS/1952)
  6. (-2.15) Ari Guðmundsson (ISL/SKJ/1948S,52W)
  7. (-5.27) Oddur Pétursson (ISL/CCS/1952-56)

Written 2019-01-26 - last modified 2019-01-26

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