Doublers Winter 1960 from USA

Switchers - Competed at a different sport previously :

  1. (10.27=10.03+0.24) Larry Damon (USA/CCS-BIA/1956-68)

Will compete in another sport later:

  1. (56.00=30+26) Arnold Uhrlass (USA/CYT-SSK/1960W,64S) (S-W)
  2. (16.00=16.00+-3.96) Peter Lahdenpera (USA/CCS-BIA/1960-64)
  3. (9.600=9.6+-5.10) Charlie Akers (USA/BIA-CCS/1960-64)
(S-W) switched between a Summer and a Winter Sport.

Written 2020-04-18 - last modified 2020-04-18

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