Cycling - Track 1984 - Men - Belgium

1984 Cycling - Track

  1. (9792) Roger Ilegems (BEL/CYT/1984)
  2. (528.0) Rudi Ceyssens (BEL/CYT/1984)
  3. (417.0) Joseph Smeets (BEL/CYT/1980-84)
  4. (192.0) Peter Roes (BEL/CYT/1984)
  5. (54.60) Frank Orban (BEL/CYT/1984)

Cyclists who competed before:

  1. (417.0) Joseph Smeets (BEL/CYT/1980-84)

Written 2024-03-03 - last modified 2024-03-03

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