Cycling 1984 - men - Saudi Arabia

1984 Cycling

The Disciplines at Los Angeles:

Total List:

  1. (0.120) Ahmed Al-Saleh (KSA/CYR/1984)
  2. (0.120) Hassan Al-Absi (KSA/CYR/1984)
  3. (0.120) Mohammed Al-Shanqiti (KSA/CYR/1984)
  4. (0.120) Rajab Moqbil (KSA/CYR/1984)
  5. (-22.15) Abdullah Al-Shaye (KSA/CYR/1984)
  6. (-22.15) Ali Al-Ghazawi (KSA/CYR/1984)

Written 2024-02-04 - last modified 2024-02-04

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