1904 Olympians from the USA, unknown State

Here are all the athletes from USA, unknown State that competed at St. Louis 1904 :

We know nothing of these individuals that might indicate what US state these competitors came from.


  1. (768.8) Wilfred Holroyd (GBR/FEN/1904)
  2. (430.5) Frank Montaldi (USA/CYT/1904)
  3. (68,25) unknown competitor in the 60m (USA/ATH/1904)
  4. (49.45) Joe Cunningham (USA/TEN/1904)
  5. (12,90) unknown competitor in the 60m (USA/ATH/1904)

Wilfred Holroyd is British

Written 2019-08-25 - last modified 2023-09-19

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.