1912 Olympians from Finland on the Russian team

Here are all the Finnish athletes that competed on the Russian team at Stockholm 1912 :

By sport


  1. (15.00) Oskar Wilkman (FIN(rus)/MOP/1912)
  2. (4.001) Nikolay Neklepayev (FIN(rus)/ATH/1912)
  3. (1.500) Arno Almqvist (FIN(rus)/MOP/1912)
  4. (0.960) Weli Gunnar Hohenthal (FIN(rus)/MOP/1912)
  5. (-2.60) Carl "Kalle" Aejemelaeus (FIN(rus)/MOP/1912)

full list for Finland

Written 2001-08-02 - last modified 2002-10-21

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.