Great Olympians

Biographies - ZOG

David Zogg

B. 1902-12-18, from Arosa, represented Switzerland; D. 1977-07-26
Nordic Combined
1928 HP
Men's Nordic Combined 16th 9.6

Florian Zogg

B. 1900-09-26, represented Switzerland
Cross-Country Skiing
1928 HP
Men's 18 km 24th 0.16

Armin Zöggeler

B. 1974-01-04, Voiana, Italy
Luge (2 gold, 1 silver, 3 bronze)
1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014 HP
Singles bronze silver gold gold bronze bronze 52680
Team fifth 250

Asghar Zoghian

B. 1929-11-07, represented Iran
Greco-Roman Wrestling
1964 HP
Men's Welterweight (-78 kg) 7th 600

Dimitrios Zografos

represented Greece
Aquatics - Water Polo
1948 HP
Men's Water Polo R1:3rd 5.38

Emil Dimitrov Zografski

B. 1968-02-03, Samokov, Bulgaria
Ski Jumping
1988 1992 HP
Men's Normal Hill 40th 40th -3.18
Men's Large Hill 40th 56th -3.10

Written 2002-10-30 - last modified 2024-10-10

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.